Sunday, March 12, 2006

Theory of the Revolution

Education is the cornerstone of a free society. You can not have a free democratic people if they don't understand the consequences of their freedom. History is the study of consequences. It should never be a shroud over the truth. Every despot and successful government wants to teach its people that their government is the best.

This is rarely true.

Today American education takes place in front of a fluorescing tube or liquid crystal display. Agendas and advertisement and blatant bullshit are pushed out to the populace who scan it, ignore and believe it indiscriminately. Since money buys access to the media, the major peddlers of this nonsense are corporations.

So let's take a close look at this. If corporations are corrupting the media that is the primary educational tool in this country to their own ends, and those ends always involve profit for the company, then a revolution to correct the corruption in our system and to return to the concept of a free and democratically lead populace requires gaining control over the corporations.

Can we legislate these monsters out of existence? Can we demand they have morals? Can we elect one leader who isn't bought and paid for? These are the questions, the truths that need to be addressed in the next cycle of elections.

Corporations drive our economy, something like a driver herds cattle, with a whip and a prod. If we aren't willing filling the corporate profits from our own pittance then they invent laws to take our money. Witness the latest legislation on credit card interest rates and bankruptcy. One more example of corporate greed, but I'm getting off topic.

We have to take the long view. The election and support of uncorrupted public officials is the patriotic duty of every American. Screw the parties. Democrats and Republicans are equally corrupt in their own ways. We must set the bar high and demand our elected officials exceed our expectations, instead of allowing them to slither underneath the bar.

So my brothers and sisters. Gather your pens or your keyboards, and strike a blow for the real America.

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