Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Impeach Dubyah?

Last night I saw an internet rumor that Illinois and California legislatures were voting to impeach the president. I've been checking CNN and NPR all day expecting to hear about it but I guess it's just a rumor.

I was afraid they'd really do it. Because, without a doubt, the weak kneed democrats wouldn't charge him with the real charges.

If we were to impeach Dubyah let the charges read: For incompetence, shown be his refusal to actually study the problems before he orders troops in, shown by ignoring white papers on Al_Qaeda plans to attack the US with airplanes.

Let him be impeached for refusing to admit his mistakes, and refusing to see his mistakes.

Let him be impeached for not planning to win the peace in Iraq.

Let him be impeached for making the phrase "Force is a last resort" mean war is imminent.

Let him be impeached for blowing the opportunities of 9/11.

Let him be impeached for the corporate legislation passed on his watch allowing credit card companies to gouge middle income people, big business to profit by off shoring jobs, and shifting the tax burden to the middle class.

Let's not impeach him for lying. We learned that lesson with Clinton and the Blue Dress. If we impeach a president let it be for something meaningful, like the grotesque misuse of power, as illustrated by "warrantless" telephone tapping.

Then again, if we impeached Dubyah and forced him out of office, Dick Cheney would be front and center.

Maybe we should throw out all the bums and start over.

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