Showing posts with label big government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big government. Show all posts

Saturday, February 07, 2015


A Sunday school teacher starts to tell the Easter story. He asks the group of children ranging from six to eight, " Do you know what the Resurrection is?"

Little Tommy perks up. "If you have a resurrection lasting more than four hours you should see your doctor."

....pauses for eyerolls....

I'm resurrecting this blog because the revolution hasn't arrived. I thought we were getting close when we elected President Obama, but the evil ones still abide in the darkened souls of the conservatives.

When I first started discussing politics in this forum I really treated it as a diary of my thoughts. Sometimes I was wrong, sometimes I had moments of lucidity. 

What I want is to foment change. 

A manifesto isn't just a cool allusion to the idea of revolution, it is a statement of beliefs. I've covered this ground a couple of times, but let's hit it again. 

I believe the United States was constituted as self governing society under the Constitution of the United States. This means there is no a ruling elite. When the constitution says 'We the People' it means us. 

You and me, sweetheart. 

So, when you tell me that 'Big Government' is the problem, I say "Whose problem?" 

Government of the people and for the people as Lincoln aptly put it so many years ago. 

The problem with our government is twofold. One: The people don't participate in the governing process. Out of 221 million eligible voters 81.6 million showed up to exercise their franchise. Everyone who didn't vote because they were disillusioned by the overwhelming campaign noise doubled the effect of everyone who did vote, at least for the winner.

And the winners of the 2014 midterms were all funded by very wealthy corporate interests who want to control the destiny of our country.

Which brings me to the second point: Corporate sponsorship might be great for NASCAR but it is wrong for the people's representatives. If it takes enormous sums of money to coerce enough people to vote for you then you might be beholding to your sugar Daddy. I'm sure he thinks so.

So we have a corporately funded government and people don't vote, but they complain or at least listen to the professional whiners who do complain, that the government is too big and too inefficient. These people must suffer from a level of cognitive dissonance that would make a normal person stick their fingers in their ears and run out of the room yelling 'Na Na Na Na...'

Here's a point about the idea of government as business. Businesses run efficiently when there is a strong leadership with a fixed agenda. If they were a government they would be compared to a dictatorship, or at best a monarchy. A business can't run well as a democracy. It would be crazy. 

Trying to make our government fit the business model is dangerous to our democracy. So if you don't like the way government is going, don't vote for any corporately funded candidate. This pretty much eliminates both the Republicans and the Democrats, though I'd prefer a left leaning sell-out than a hard core, goose stepping tea party Republican.

Selecting our government is like shopping for laundry detergent. You have to shut out all the flashy advertising and bright colors to locate the best brand. When you shut out all the noise, who has a plan and is that plan in line with your core values.

The manifesto is a way to articulate our core values. What we believe in as a country. What I personally have learned on this journey. I'm open to suggestions and comments. You can share me to your friends, to fellow travelers and to the opposition, I don't care. I want a conversation to break out instead of the fist fights. We need to understand each other and care for each other. 

Just what Jesus said.