Showing posts with label government reform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government reform. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Role of Government

Normally I start these rants with a more colorful attention getting phrase but this essay is about educating.

Traditionally the role of government has been to maintain order and support the interests of the wealthiest members of society.

The Declaration of Independence changed that. Between our demand for separation from Mother England and the Constitution that frames the structure of our government was the idea that an educated and comfortable middle class could govern a nation decently and fairly.

There is a certain naivety and absurdity in that pronouncement, especially since special interests and the corrupt politico have gone hand in hand from Valley Forge until today, but that doesn't change the ideal of our government or country.

Consider the effects of the Arab spring.

There has been armed revolt needed to change regimes in various countries. Some successful some not.

In our country we have the chance for regime change every four years.

Now I am happy with President Obama. I despise the obstructionist Republicans and their commitment to server their corporate masters, but that's just my opinion. If enough people agree that some bought and paid for conservative should be president and preside over the dismantling of the protections Obama is trying to institute against corporate greed and aggression then we should by all means try the regressive approach to managing our economy.

OK I'm a little grumpy about the idea of another Republican president. All the ones we've had have built a corporate sponsored government that has sucked the life from the middle class in this country.

The role of the American Government isn't to keep order and support the wealthy. The role of the American Government is to protect the weak from the strong, and to blunt the strength of the rich and powerful. If our government isn't doing these things then we need to vote in a regime change that will do it...

But make sure you know who you're voting in and what they really represent.

They had better be representing you and me.