Monday, May 17, 2010


Mankind creates society to support greed.

There I said it. We want to believe in human kindness and the basic Godness in all of us but that's crap. Society is/was and apparently always will be a support structure for greedy self serving bastards.

Capitalism is an economic philosophy that says it takes money to make money. Concentrated wealth or capital, when used to fund means of production or distribution, not only gathers wealth to itself but shares it with all participants.

Sounds altruistic huh?

After all it's MY money, why give it to anyone else? Isn't that what the bankers on Wall street say? They keep their money, grab ours from the government and from our wallets, and then insist we give them MORE money in interest to return OUR money. Got it. Greed works.

Is there a magic word to end this? Is there a man (read politician) strong enough to end this unfair siege? Nope. We are in a spider's web. Thrash all you want and all you get is further entangled.

The only way out of the spider's web is to step carefully where the spider steps.

That's what I love about the recent spate of 'walk aways' : people who can afford to pay their mortgages but don't see the economic sense in paying for a property that no longer has recoverable value.

The banks hate this. They claim the people are dishonoring their financial obligations.

The people say, 'It's just business.'



Anonymous said...

Capitolism is destroying, our world.

It has raped our land, to feed the masses. It has destroyed our water supplies, and, the very fish that we eat.

We need to stop over population, and, over production. We need to go back, to a more simple time.

We need laws: not just for our people, but, for the world.

We need real values. Greed isn't the answer, nor, an honorable value.

Look at the problem in the Gulf of Mexico. If they cannot stop the oil, they need to bomb, the hole. This problem has ruined many lives. Too little done, too late.

Jonathan said...

bombs are never an answer

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